We are no longer collecting fines for overdue items! If you have been billed for an item, returning the item will waive the charge on your account. Fines may accumulate on your account but we will waive them when your item is checked in. All books check out for 2 weeks, all DVDs for 1 week. Everything automatically renews up to 3x as long as no one is waiting. If someone places a hold on an item you’ve borrowed and it does not automatically renew, or if you have hit the maximum 3x renewals, then we leave it up to your conscience to return the item on time or a couple of days late.
Material | Loan Periods | Overdue Fees | Maximum Fines |
Books | 14 days | 10 cents/day | $3.00 adults / $1.00 childrens |
Videos/DVDs | 7 days | $1/day | $3.00 adults and children’s |
Audio (casette, CD & play-away) | 14 days | 10 cents/day | $3.00 adults / $1.00 children’s |
Magazines | 14 days | 10 cents/day | $3.00 adults / $1.00 children’s |
Computer Games | 14 days | $1/day | $3.00 adults and children’s |
Passes | varies by pass | $10 |
Teachers and parents of homeschoolers may get an institution card, also known as a “teacher’s card” in addition to their personal library card. This card is to be used for materials for classroom use. Items borrowed on an Institution Card have a 28 day loan period. Some CLAMS member libraries charge fines on materials borrowed on an institution card. Please see the staff at the Circulation Desk if you experience problems with charges on your institution card.