Brooks Free Library will be closed on Monday, February 17th for Presidents' Day

Youth Services FAQ

Using the Library | Fines and Bills| Computers and Technology

Using the Library

Can I drop my child off at the library?

Starting at age 10 children may be in the library without an adult present, though they should know and be able to communicate their emergency contact information. Children ages 7-9 may be in a separate part of the library outside of an adult’s supervision, but must have an adult or caregiver inside the building with them. Children 6 and younger must must be in an adult or caregiver’s line of sight at all times. For our full Child Safety Policy, please click here.

At what age can my child apply for a library card?

There is no age limit on library cards. Your child does not have to be able to sign their own name. A parent or guardian must fill out the library application form, and will be considered responsible for lost or damaged books. Apply for a library card online, or visit us to complete the form!

How do I get a library card?

You can apply for a library card online, or come to the library to fill out the form. We have credit card size cards or keychain cards.

Do you have a quiet study area/private study rooms?
We do not have small private study rooms available at this time. There is a designated quiet space marked by signs around second floor non-fiction stacks (bookshelves).

Fines & Bills

Does the Brooks Free Library charge overdue fees?
Brooks Free Library is no longer charging for overdue item. Everything automatically renews up to 3x as long as no one is waiting. If someone places a hold on an item you’ve borrowed and it does not automatically renew, or if you have hit the maximum 3x renewals, then we leave it up to your conscience to return the item on time.

I have a billed item, what can I do?
We are always happy to get items back! If you have the billed item in your possession you can return it to the library to have the bill removed.  You can deposit your returns at the Circulation desk or in the book drop.  If you would like to pay for a billed item, please go to the Circulation Desk.

How do I pay a bill?
We can accept cash and checks at the Circulation Desk for billed items. Please speak with a librarian before making out a check for a billed item, as certain libraries require checks to be addressed in a specific manner.

I think I have lost an item, what should I do?
We are happy to renew a library item to give you time to look for it. If you are certain that you have lost a library item, please contact the Circulation Desk to discuss your options.

Computers and Technology

Do you have computers for kids/teens to use?

Yes! We have three Chromebooks reserved for the use of children/teens. Students using the computers for homework will be given first priority, but any child/teen can use the computers to play games, do homework, or watch videos. More information on public access computers is available here.

Can I print from the youth computers?

Yes, it is 15 cents a page to print. If you are printing an assignment for school the printing is free. More information is available on our printing page.

Do you have filters on your youth computers?

No, we do not have filters on the computers. Parents should discuss with their children what they consider appropriate to access while on the internet. Children in seventh grade and below who are not accompanied by an adult must have a signed Internet Permission Form on file to use the internet.

Do you have Wi-Fi in the youth area?

Yes, all areas of the library have access to wi-fi. You can connect to one of our six access points, “Brooks Central”, “Brooks NF”, “Brooks NF2”, “Brooks Meeting Room”, or “Brooks West.” No password is required.